Synopsis: $OPENWINDOW 'width,height,title'
Function: Opens a window on the first maxs screen only. Width and height are both integers which governs the size of the window. Title is a string which is displayed on the title bar. This command is OS illegal because the Maxs Screen is not a public screen, and therefore does not check for visitor windows. Use this command with care and thought. If Maxs tries to quit, or iconify then it will crash if there is a window open on the screen. Although this command is OS illegal it will not crash or make your system unstable by using it, as long as you take into account the above precaution.

If rc=0 then the window opened successfully.
If rc=1 then the window failed to open, likely causes are the window dimensions exceeding the size of the maxs screen or the Maxs Screen being iconified at the time of attempting to open the window.